Light Lumerian Necklace on Hemp

Light Lumerian Necklace on Hemp

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This exquisite Light Lumerian Crystal is 4cm long and handmade on natural hemp cord. All pieces are made in Byron Bay with love & positive intentions. They are all cleansed, charged and ready for their new owners.
Lumerian is know as the Master Hea-ler, connecter of people to unconditional love, source and the light of oneness. Lumerian Crystals were thought to have come from the age of Lumeria, a time of pure consciousness when the Devine and Reality co-existed in harmonious bliss. The Lumerians were thought to use these crystals in healing ceremonies and we are lucky enough to still be gifted with them today. As we awake, remember and activate these incredible crystals we are able to deeply he-al ourselves, others, & the world around us. Lumerian crystals can be used to depend meditative practices, connect us to source, enable clear communication and channeling with the Devine realms & enable massive he-aling to occur. They enable enormous shifts within our psyche, physical and energetic bodies around stagnant patterns, belief systems, self sabotaging behaviours, past life and generation tru-amas.

(Wear with the understanding that things may be brought up to the surface for you so that you can recognise and heal certain aspects of your life).

(*All crystals are tools to be used on our healing journey with intention, dedication and focus on self growth. Follow your intuition when purchasing crystals for they will always speak to you when needed).